←Enemy of the State [Full Movie]: Chasen S Restaurant From Enemy Of The State Iamnotastalker Enemy of the State [Full Movie]♪@⋗: Enemy Of The State Filming Locations 〖OpenLoad〗 aka (A közellenség, Ennemi de l'État, Inimigo do Estado, Enemigo público, Nepriateľ štátu, 에너미 오브 스테이트, Enemigo Público, Enemigo Publico, Enemigo Publico, Ennemi d'état (1998) 1998) "A hotshot Washington criminal lawyer becomes the target of a rogue security executive videotaped in the act of murdering a congressman when the incriminating tape is surreptitiously slipped into his shopping bag by the videographer, who is fleeing the executive's assassins." film genres: Action, Drama, Thriller.